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Shadow Life - A real true crime podcast

This podcast will be exploring the traumatic events that can occur to anyone, thrusting them into a life of desperation... and crime. Where violence is the currency and you'll have to risk it all just to survive. On the road to redemption one must develop a coping mechanism know as a “shadow life”… it’s a way to socially acclimate oneself with colleagues, friends and co-workers, if your past has traumatic events that make others stare in disbelief, that cast a shadow on you, you may start to deny that part of who you are… try to push it down, deny it's existence. In this podcast we’re going to begin by exploring the life of a young American family starting in 1969 and following them through the present day, We’ll watch as young Roman's shadow life is birthed and grows ever larger, developing into a force he'll struggle with all his life. As the traumas and the years began to stack up… we find Roman… behind bars in a 6 x 8 foot cage… a super max prison… his shadow life takes him to the precipice of "kill or be killed."

Shadow Life - A real true crime podcast